Tuesday, March 3, 2009

10 Ways To Get Through The Crunch

Let's face it, the credit crunch sucks and as students we're definitely getting the short end of the stick. Here's one way to manage your money so you can keep rocking hard amidst the market blues.

1: Pack a lunch

I can't stress this one enough, absolute must!

2: Work your phone bill

I can't tell you how many times I've called into my phone company complaining that
there was "some" mixup on my phone bill. Result? $20 off for the next 12 months....$240? Not bad :)

3: Pre Drink

I don't think this one needs to be mentioned since out of the countless times I've gone out at night, I think there may have literally been a handful of times where I did not pre-drink.....BUT, if you aren't a pre-drinker, it's about time you become one.

4:Use the bus

Got a bus pass? USE IT! Sure it's nice to drive around all the time but when you think about the gas consumption, the parking costs.......and in my case the inevitable ticket I receive by the end of the night, it's hard not to get on the big ol' bus and kick it old school......

5: Coupon

God......I'm not gonna lie, I hate those folks who take forever to search through their stack of coupons to save $1 or $2, but use em on a regular basis and you'll be saving anywhere from $20-$30 a week, GUARANTEED!

6: Look for sales

A given, but again, very key. With the recession in effect, many retailers are aiming for the lowest price point to attract as many customers as possible. Remember.......the early bird gets the room. I got a $150 wireless home phone set for $25 two days ago...SWEAR!

7: Chill in

When we're being subject to weather that feels like it's F)#*!$! -27, can't hurt to stay in and watch a movie. Get some friends together, chill out and shoot the shit!

8: Get a job

If you need extra cash you can always try a campus job, great rates and flexible hours. Perfect if you need to constantly blog all the time.

9: Odd Jobs

Try some of those campus surveys, you could probably squeeze in a couple of em every week, that could be upwards of $40 for just a few hours of your time!

10: Don't consume???

Maybe this doesn't really fit in with the theme...........but have you ever thought about how the recession MIGHT be a good thing?? Weird eh?? Maybe we shouldn't be consuming so much in the first place, that's how we got into this mess didn't we? Think twice about getting that extra bag of chips, or buying that 3rd pair of shoes this month......but that's just a thought

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