What has been dubbed; Ghostnet is an independent study performed at the University of Toronto that recently uncovered a multitude of underground computer hacking rings based primarily in China, operating all over the world.
Chinese hackers have apparently been hijacking and compromising highly classified documents from countries all around the world by tapping into their networks and extracting the data. Although reporters and analysts are unsure as to what the information is actually used for, Chinese government officials refute claims made against them, suspicious of their participation in the program.
Chinese Foreign ministry offical Qin Gang said in a statement released last week:
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
One of Canada's national treasures the CBC has been facing a major economic whiplash, is bracing itself to lose nearly 500 employees as government cut-backs reduce this nationally funded broadcasting network, while corporate stations such as CTV revel in bailout bonds thanks to the Harper government.
The recession should aim at re-structuring our societies to be more cost efficient and wary of expenditures, and if there is one Canadian medium that serves the interests of the people more than any other it is the CBC. Aside from losing immediate capital, I do not see why the government would compromise the well-being of its most treasured news outlet. However, it ultimately boils down to a question of money, as these big bailouts for CTV and Canwest represent the influence of affluent individuals in political hierarchy, and the manipulative means by which they wrest control from the government.
What is best of all is how corporate managers are only experiencing a 5% decrease in their paycheques as nearly 10% of the CBC's workforce loses a job, and its senior managers in turn receive a 20% decrease in pay.
Help fight for the cause, sign the petition! http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_cbc/?cl=211765420&v=3123
The recession should aim at re-structuring our societies to be more cost efficient and wary of expenditures, and if there is one Canadian medium that serves the interests of the people more than any other it is the CBC. Aside from losing immediate capital, I do not see why the government would compromise the well-being of its most treasured news outlet. However, it ultimately boils down to a question of money, as these big bailouts for CTV and Canwest represent the influence of affluent individuals in political hierarchy, and the manipulative means by which they wrest control from the government.
What is best of all is how corporate managers are only experiencing a 5% decrease in their paycheques as nearly 10% of the CBC's workforce loses a job, and its senior managers in turn receive a 20% decrease in pay.
Help fight for the cause, sign the petition! http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_cbc/?cl=211765420&v=3123
This week let's take a look at a man mentioned in last weeks posts titled "What do an old white guy and a dead black man have in common". JACK JOHNSON, quite possibly the greatest boxer in fighting history, and without question a monumental figure in the black civil rights movement
Did you know?
Did you know?
- Jack Johnson was the first black heavyweight boxing champion
- Before him, white boxers never gave black men the chance to fight for a title
- Actually chased the world heavyweight champion during his time (Tommy Burns) around the world to get a title shot
- Was eventually ousted out of boxing and sentenced to imprisonment for having an affair with a white woman (a crime according to the Mann act)
- Paved the way for boxers like Muhammad Ali
- Was opposed by black civil rights leader Booker T. Washington
- Died around the age of 70, after crashing his car as a result of a sharp turn. Story has it he was so mad because the breakfast diner he was at prior would not serve coloured people food.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Why should we wish?
With just one more week before our final presentation I thought it necessary to share my views on the importance of wish-sharing. Here's an awesome video from the movie, "The Secret" (also available in paperback and cd)
So what does it mean to wish? To me, wishing is a means of aligning yourself with what you "wish" (for lack of a better word) to see in yourself, in those around you, and in the universe that encompasses every being and thing. A real wish is not to be forgotten after the candles are blown out, but rather to be embellished as a promise.....a promise to oneself to bring about everything that they "think and thank about" (taken from The Secret)
Many people forget that a wish is basically a spark, a mental state that allows one to define that which they desire. If I wish for a brand new car, I can not simply lay back and expect a car to drop out of the sky, but rather while invoking positive thought, feeling, and formulating an image in my head of the desired car, I will in a sense meta-physically attract the means by which I can attain that car. Perhaps I will notice the desired car for sale more often than other cars, or may search for it in the classifieds to see if anyone is selling it for a reduced price, or even so look for a job that may lead towards a higher income and thus the means to purchase that car.
Realistically, it is dangerous to place all of our hopes and desires on wishes and aspirations. Sometimes, barriers in life make it difficult or near impossible for us to achieve our goals (it may be difficult to become an NBA superstar if you are only 5'2), but the eventual goal of any wish is to propel you in the direction of your goal. Although you may not actually become an NBA superstar, perhaps you will make great strides in the college circuit, which would not have happened had you not had enough faith in yourself that you could get that far.
Thus, I guess the question is inverted. Why shouldn't we wish? What do we have to lose when we wish for things in our life? Perhaps we may be let down that we have not achieved everything we desired or expected, but inevitably by wishing we propel ourselves to move towards a direction, and let the universe in a sense manage the rest.
As a man of hope and inspiration once said,
SO GET OUT THERE AND MAKE YOUR WISHES!! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=56151545059
So what does it mean to wish? To me, wishing is a means of aligning yourself with what you "wish" (for lack of a better word) to see in yourself, in those around you, and in the universe that encompasses every being and thing. A real wish is not to be forgotten after the candles are blown out, but rather to be embellished as a promise.....a promise to oneself to bring about everything that they "think and thank about" (taken from The Secret)
Many people forget that a wish is basically a spark, a mental state that allows one to define that which they desire. If I wish for a brand new car, I can not simply lay back and expect a car to drop out of the sky, but rather while invoking positive thought, feeling, and formulating an image in my head of the desired car, I will in a sense meta-physically attract the means by which I can attain that car. Perhaps I will notice the desired car for sale more often than other cars, or may search for it in the classifieds to see if anyone is selling it for a reduced price, or even so look for a job that may lead towards a higher income and thus the means to purchase that car.
Realistically, it is dangerous to place all of our hopes and desires on wishes and aspirations. Sometimes, barriers in life make it difficult or near impossible for us to achieve our goals (it may be difficult to become an NBA superstar if you are only 5'2), but the eventual goal of any wish is to propel you in the direction of your goal. Although you may not actually become an NBA superstar, perhaps you will make great strides in the college circuit, which would not have happened had you not had enough faith in yourself that you could get that far.
Thus, I guess the question is inverted. Why shouldn't we wish? What do we have to lose when we wish for things in our life? Perhaps we may be let down that we have not achieved everything we desired or expected, but inevitably by wishing we propel ourselves to move towards a direction, and let the universe in a sense manage the rest.
As a man of hope and inspiration once said,
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King Jr.
SO GET OUT THERE AND MAKE YOUR WISHES!! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=56151545059
Hey all I'm gonna be trying something new! Every week I'm going to be bringing up a topic or issue of interest, and doing a bullet point outline of some of the key and interesting facts. So let's start it off this week with the April Fools Edition!
- The origins of an All Fools Day (as it was known in Medieval Times), may have dated all the way back to Greek times, from the mythological tale about Ceres Goddess of Harvest and her daughter Proserpina
- Most trace back the origins of an April Fools Day to the transitional period from the Julian to Gregorian Calendar, where New Years day was changed from April 1st to January 1st. As a result, those who celebrated New Years on the first of April were considered to be April Fools
- Since April 1st 2007 google has launched a yearly April Fools campaign. This year it's the Gball, a calculating football capable of computing algorithmic calculations upon contact.
- Iranians celebrate their version of April Fools Day on March 13 coinciding with their New Years celebration
- Betcha never heard this one: In parts of French speaking Canada residents place a poisson D'avril (April's fish) on a person's back, hoping that they won't notice it. This tradition of placing notes on people's backs supposedly dates back to the mid 1600s in Scotland (originating with the epic "Kick me" signs.
G20 Protests GONE WILD!!
Here's a little snapshot

Taking place the afternoon of April 1st, The G20 Summit taking place in London England started out as a peaceful colour and creative protest against the actions of the World Bankers and corroding financial institutions. World leaders met to discuss the future of the world state, but apparently the crowd began to get out of hand and mob mentality went into full swing, as riot police were radioed for backup against an onslaught of aggressive and angry protesters. Check this shot out of rioters breaking into the Royal Bank of Scotland in London and throwing a FRE,
By no means do I support absolute anarchy, but you have to give some credence to the efforts of these rioters. They are supporting a cause that has been YEARSSS in the making. Underpaid workers, minimum paying jobs, absolute polarization of wealth. Humans are greedy creatures, and you can guaran-DAMN-tee that after getting pushed into the corner for so long, they are bound to push back! Institutions are merely ways for those at the top to appease the low and middle classes into working for them and controlling their As mentioned in my previous posts, I do not think it is the fault of capitalism for the woes of the financial crises but rather the misappropriation and abuse of the creditors and chief executives within the capitalist system. You gotta wonder how many banking accounts are going to be effected with the destruction of that one computer terminal....
Perhaps this is what Marx envisioned as the end of capitalism, the ultimate battle between the proletariat and bourgeiouse, a never-ending conflict and struggle for power in the money market. This isn't the first time there have been riots by against the G20, and it definitely won't be the last. History is destined to repeat itself.......when will we ever learn?
Perhaps this is what Marx envisioned as the end of capitalism, the ultimate battle between the proletariat and bourgeiouse, a never-ending conflict and struggle for power in the money market. This isn't the first time there have been riots by against the G20, and it definitely won't be the last. History is destined to repeat itself.......when will we ever learn?
What do an old white guy and a dead black man have in common?
Nothing, other than what seems to me like a publicity stunt, the latest from the U.S. Republican party. After an abhorring display of oral cantor from the mouth of the Republican Parties newest mouthpiece, Bobby Jindal, John McCain has jumped onto the diversity bandwagon and is campaigning to pardon the first African American Heavyweight Title holding boxer, Jack Johnson for charges placed on him in 1913.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for equality, liberty, and for undoing past wrongs........but this just seems like McCain's trying to save face. While I don't want to delve too deep into progressive politics, Barack Obama's historic win clearly represented a reformed view on politics, as a minority was voted in by the majority. I don't know John McCain.....neither will anybody reading this blog, BUT I still can't help but be sceptical and question the integrity and authenticity of this pardon. Although the article concludes by stating that Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove apparently turned down the idea, Rove's spokeswoman denies that allegation.....
Even if McCain was attempting to pass this pardon out of the goodness of his heart and to strengthen the image of Black America, the verdict is still out on whether the pardon will be passed or not.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for equality, liberty, and for undoing past wrongs........but this just seems like McCain's trying to save face. While I don't want to delve too deep into progressive politics, Barack Obama's historic win clearly represented a reformed view on politics, as a minority was voted in by the majority. I don't know John McCain.....neither will anybody reading this blog, BUT I still can't help but be sceptical and question the integrity and authenticity of this pardon. Although the article concludes by stating that Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove apparently turned down the idea, Rove's spokeswoman denies that allegation.....
Even if McCain was attempting to pass this pardon out of the goodness of his heart and to strengthen the image of Black America, the verdict is still out on whether the pardon will be passed or not.
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